Let experience teach you the value of meditation and the power of intelligent reflection. For anyone who is new to meditation, here is a guide which can help you get started.
- Select a comfortable chair. Place your feet flat on the floor and your hands relaxed in your lap.
- Close your eyes.
- Take three deep, slow breaths. Feel yourself relaxing more and more with each breath.
- To help yourself relax from head to toe, count down from 10 to 1. On each descending number you will relax more and more.
- To help yourself relax more, recall from your memory a peaceful, passive scene. Recall the details and colors.
- Create a mental screen much like a television screen. Do not use your eyelids for your mental screen. Place your screen away from your body and slightly above eye level. Relax; take your time.
- When you are comfortable with the mental screen, visualize a white light on the mental screen. It is a ball of vibrant white light. Bring the light closer and closer towards you. Expect it to become larger and larger as it comes closer and closer. When it gets very close, see and feel the white ball of vibrant light enter your body in the area of your chest.
- Feel the warmth from the white light spread throughout your whole body. Feel it spread up to your head and down to your toes. Take your time.
- When you can feel the warmth and the well-being fill your whole body, you are ready to meditate on a subject of your choosing, something you need an answer to perhaps. Pick a specific subject; do not generalize. Always remain in control of your meditation. Do not daydream.
- You will feel refreshed and revitalized as you meditate. Limit your time of meditation to 10 minutes to begin with. Later make the meditation longer. When you are finished, relax and reflect on your experience. Open your eyes when you are ready.