Guidelines For Seeking God’s Will
This post provides three simple guidelines to help you search for God’s plan for your life. (15 min. by Kaye Cooper)
Adventures In Spiritual Living
Living Life as an Adventure of
Spiritual Exploration and Discovery
This post provides three simple guidelines to help you search for God’s plan for your life. (15 min. by Kaye Cooper)
A loving way of life can be cultivated and has wonderful social consequences. (10 min. by William Cooper).
Describes a simple and comfortable silent-prayer technique to pray for others without their knowing it. (5 min By Billie Cooper)
A post describing an unusual but very useful application of forgiveness to improving your relationship with God. ((10 min. by Billie Cooper)
Describes a simple process to prepare for focused meditation. (5 min. by Billie Cooper)
This post describes some simple steps to maximize the probability of accurately understanding what God’s will is. (20 min. by Kaye Cooper)
God’s will always supports God’s plan which is always the best possible outcome. (2 min.) By William Cooper
Survival after death is a deity gift to all who love and want the goodness of God. No other conditions. (2 min.) By William Cooper
Prayer always spiritually benefits the praying person. (2 min.) By William Cooper
There is much more to prayer than requesting favors. (2 min.) By William Cooper
This post describes how to use your mind to find spiritual meaning and communication with celestial persons. (20 min.) By William Cooper
Personal friendship with deity is like the loving relationship between parent and child. It is unbelievable affection. Not just greater quantity but greater quality as well. (2 min.) By William Cooper
God has given you magical spiritual powers. He wants you to use them continuously. (5 min.) By William Cooper
A third selection of seven techniques for building your spirituality (10 min.) By William Cooper
A second selection of seven techniques for improving your spirituality (10 min.) By William Cooper
A selection of seven techniques for nourishing your spirituality (10 min.) By William Cooper
How to become a better person by loving higher qualities. (2 min.) By William Cooper
Provides 8 specific actions to achieve spiritual growth. (20 min.) By Kaye Cooper and William Cooper
An extremely important resurrection of Jesus’ personal religious practices and his philosophy of living. Both the theory and the methods are explained. (20 min.) By William Cooper
Tells how to engage your spiritual assets in thinking, problem solving, and character building. (3 min.) By William Cooper
Describes the benefits and satisfactions of an intentional relationship with your indwelling spirit partner. (2 min.) By William Cooper
Answers questions about religion of the spirit. What it is, and what happens when you follow it. (20 min.) By William Cooper
This is a list of 65 things you can do to improve your spiritual life. (20 min.) by Sharon Porter
Prepare the Path is a powerful yet simple way to prepare yourself to deal with challenges you see are coming your way. (20 min.) By Kaye Cooper
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