Worship is admiring and being grateful for all the wonderful qualities of God and longing to be like that yourself.
Worshipful meditation is the greatest of all methods of problem solving. It is part thought, part inspiration, and part creative imagination of dialogue with God. You describe your problem. Then you think about and feel the values and qualities of God which might influence your choice.
Worship brings relaxation, illumination, courage, self-understanding, consciousness of union with divinity, relieves tension, removes conflict, and very significantly augments the total resources of your body, mind, and spirit.
Communing with deity in worship augments energy to do spiritual work. It transforms weakness to strength, fear to courage, mind of self to the will of God. Communion with God is an experience of very close personal sharing of being together with deity in a warm relationship of affection and acceptance.
Worshipful practices, when persisted in, become habits. Habits become character. Character becomes spiritual maturity.
Try this:
Pick 3 higher values such as parental love, mercy, forgiveness, tolerance, patience, etc. and meditate reflectively on what they mean, how you feel as you relive your experience of them, and how they are interrelated.
If you would like to consider additional higher values, you can find lists and definitions in Bill’s Book of Values at BillsBooksNBeyond.com