Adventures In Spiritual Living

Living Life as an Adventure of
Spiritual Exploration and Discovery

Start Where You Are

Start Where You Are

Billie Cooper

Some people are probably born with a certain job to do and a leadership position to take. Even though most of us are not born to be such leaders, each of us has personal tasks to attend to, things to overcome, and unique areas of challenge. Everyone also has a divinely created life plan for their spiritual growth which they can choose to follow or to reject. At each step along the way, there are certain truths to be learned and certain experiences to be had before you move on to the next step. When you learn what you need to learn from the situation you are in, you will make the changes necessary to move you into new circumstances. So, if you don’t like where you are right now, determine what you can learn. As you make the necessary changes, you will have the freedom to grow and become a better person.

Your area of service does not have to be a project separate from the rest of your life. There is a great need for spiritual people in the everyday world just doing what needs to be done in a moral and ethical way. People have contact with you as you go about your life. They see your fruits and are influenced. Younger people especially may pattern themselves after you. This, of course, requires that you should be an excellent employee (or boss or brother, etc.), that you live your values, and that you should do a good job at whatever you do. This may seem a plodding path of service, hardly worthy of a “calling,” but I don’t believe you can go on to some grand scheme of serving until you have mastered this way of living. A few may be called to lead in a very visible way or to organize communities separate to some extent from the rest of society, but for most of us our job will be to live in society and be a quiet example. Whether your ministry to your fellows is public or is grand or quiet and humble, there are certain principles to follow. When you learn to follow these principles, you experience greater freedom and a greater understanding. 

First, you must deal fairly and honestly with everyone. Manipulation is so common in life, but it has no place in service. For example, in working with children, while you should suit what you say to their level of understanding, you must still be honest and avoid telling untruths, which will become obvious to them as they mature. 

The second principle is that you must genuinely care about what happens to the people who come into your life, even if they come into your life only briefly. Always reflect a loving life as you work right where you are. You will see others responding to you in a way you have never experienced before. Your relationships will become more like you would like them to be. 

Third, your beliefs limit you. When you believe that you can do something, you do it. When you change your beliefs, you change your life. Changing your life helps others change theirs. The fact that you can become happy and enjoy life, no matter what the circumstances around you, makes others feel happy and enjoy their lives more. 

The fourth principle is the most important: You are where you are supposed to be. You are right where you are supposed to be at this time for your development, dealing with your attitudes, thoughts, ideas, and ideals. If you don’t like where you are, it is these attitudes, thoughts, ideas, and ideals that must first be changed. You have certain qualities and characteristics to work with. Your job, where you live, your companions, your environment—all have come together in response to these characteristics and qualities. Start today where you are, and work towards the next step. To do this, you need to do three things: (1) stop and look around where you are, (2) assess your strengths and weaknesses, and (3) assess the skills you have acquired and the talents you were given. Then, start where you are. Get up every morning and say,

“Hello, God. What have you got for me to do today?”

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