Adventures In Spiritual Living

Living Life as an Adventure of
Spiritual Exploration and Discovery

Sharing Your Inner Life With God

Sharing Your Inner Life with God

Kate Gentry

Sharing our inner life is an intensely personal activity. We each have our own ideas of what constitutes our inner life and how that may be shared. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you how I learned to share my inner life with my Heavenly Father and with my unseen friends. 

I attended a regional conference for readers of The Urantia Book several years ago. One of the highlights of the program was an exercise called “Letter to God.” The instructions for this exercise included a relaxation technique, a conscious opening up to superconscious ideas and feelings, and a directive to let the ideas flow without censure or self-consciousness. We were then instructed to write a letter to our Heavenly Father telling him how we felt about having him for a friend. That was a pretty revolutionary idea to me, but I participated. Imagine my surprise when the next part of the exercise called for us to write an answer from God himself. We were instructed to let the words flow, trying not to control the outcome. The results were amazing. 

After the exercise we were given the opportunity to share our “letters” with the group. Many did so. It was a very emotional experience to hear the letters from so many individuals. They Were all different, yet they had elements in common. Each expressed unqualified love and acceptance for that person from his Father. It was very moving. 

I was very pleased at having been told that I was loved. Just that knowledge was enough to keep me going for several months. Then I decided to write another letter in which I poured out my needs. I was rewarded with an immediate peace born of knowing that my needs would be met, that my problems would be solved. They eventually were, but the important thing was that I had the peace of mind for which l had been searching. I began to write more often, pausing after each letter to allow the “unseen powers” to reply. 

Gradually this became an activity I looked forward to several times a week. It has grown into a vital part of my life and has produced so much joy, so much peace, that I cannot imagine being without it again. I write in a notebook which I call my prayer journal. I have several volumes of these journals now. Each entry is dated so thạt I may look back over time and see prayer requests that have been answered, concerns that have been relieved, and patterns of growth. That is imminently satisfying, but the greatest of the benefits is the greater awareness of the nature of God, the increased ability to perceive his leading, and the feeling of his presence which never leaves me. 

Because of this journal and the special times of sharing that its writing has produced, I’ve been able to identify with my evolving soul, to step back from my material identity and realize more of my spiritual potential. My writing has opened an avenue of communication with my unseen friends, with the Spirit of Jesus within my soul, and with the Father himself. I won’t pretend that I know where these “messages” come from. I won’t claim to be in two-way contact with the spirit of God within my soul. I will tell you that I don’t care what the source is so long as the information brings the comfort and the peace.

I was privileged for a few months to work with the “Adventures in Spiritual Living” team. During the programs we conducted, I witnessed dozens of emotion-charged experiences in which people were given a glimpse of the love we are all heir to. Seeing these people open themselves to sharing their inner lives and receiving the unconditional love of our Father was, and is, one of the greatest thrills of my life. I Believe it is Something we should all try. 

We are material beings, evolutionary creatures on a planet in time and space. During this material lifetime we are allowed to experience a unique existence. When the material life is over, the evolving immortal soul will carry this experiential life to our spiritual Father and Mother. 

Sharing our inner lives not only allows us to begin to understand this phenomenon but allows us to actively cooperate. Sharing our inner life helps us to focus on the cosmic viewpoint. It decreases anxiety by assuring us of eternal survival. It brings peace and joy into our life by bathing us in the constant love of our spiritual Father and Mother. It decreases our dependence on material life and increases our feelings of brotherhood which leads to increased service opportunities. 

I believe that the inner life reveals an immortal soul created by the joint ministries of our unique Father-endowed personality and the Father Fragment within our growing soul. Sharing this life with our Father Fragment consists of active participation in the soul-growth: seeking out experiences which will enhance appreciation of higher values and living every day in our best interpretation of the Father’s will for us. Learning how to actively participate is a slow process, but it is achievable. Some of the best tools for achieving this goal for me have been my prayer journal and my commitment to sharing my thoughts and feelings, my desires and accomplishments, my joys and my concerns with my divine Father on a regular basis.

My immediate reward has been to discover the reality of my inner life and my ability to communicate with my higher self. This communication has led to the recognition of the illusion of the material world and how little the material matters. Now that illusion has no power over me. I am free to fulfill my spirit potential.

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