Adventures In Spiritual Living

Living Life as an Adventure of
Spiritual Exploration and Discovery

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Resurrection — a Vision

Gene Joyce

When I open my eyes I gradually become aware of a pale blue azure light which seems to emanate from–everywhere. It is certainly not at horizon level or from above. There is a feeling of peace coupled with tremendous expectancy. I wonder about this, as, of the five human senses, only sight is operative. Possibly there is nothing to sense at this moment except the ethereal essence of blueness since the customary activity of the brain is absent. Only later am I aware that there is nothing but the light accompanied by the certainty that something of magnificent import is about to happen. 

Suddenly music floods into my perimeter of consciousness–a combination of trumpets and flutes with deep rolling chords of some stringed instrument like a harp, but yet, no harp I ever heard before. Now I feel movement, just as I begin soaring upward born upon the purity and power of the music and realize that two beings, one on either side of me, are raising and supporting me. The movement does not come from myself, my body, but from these others, and I sense their love and compassion, their concern as to my well-being. 

Slowly my mind begins to function, and I ask the inevitable questions: “Who am I?” and “What is happening?” All feelings of separateness and alienation are absent. Even as I respond with joy to the love vibrating from the two beings who are still supporting me as l stand there, an indescribable white particle approaches as from a great distance, and I hear a voice say, “This is the spirit of our Father which has indwelt you for a lifetime and has returned on this, your resurrection morning to be your guide and helper–even to the shores of Paradise. Rejoice and be glad.” The full meaning of this message begins to penetrate my awareness. I remember now. I had died and now I am born again. Hallelujah!

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