Adventures In Spiritual Living

Living Life as an Adventure of
Spiritual Exploration and Discovery



Kaye Cooper

In the beginning each a gift was given.

Some were strong 

and some were weak.

Some were large and others small.

Some were easy,

but most were difficult.

And some were hidden, 

and some in plain view did lie.


Into each set of hands

was placed a gift

and a message whispered

in an immature ear:

“This gift is for you to give.”


And so to earth they all came 

carrying their gifts—

some large, some small, some hidden,

and some in plain view.


And sprinkled about upon the earth 

they did grow from infants

into children

and then adults.

And all that time the gifts they carried

lay quietly forgotten.


Time did pass 

Some grew

and some did not.

Some matured and blossomed

into beautiful beings.

And here and there

a discovery—one, 

and then another

found the gifts they had brought.


One found the gift he had brought 

and tucked it away inside himself 

to enjoy at his leisure

and hide from the world.


And another

smiled gleefully

as he discovered his gift. 

And he took it apart

in little pieces

and used it greedily against the world 

for his own selfish ends.

These gifts turned black

and ugly

and shame ridden.


And many, many gifts

simply stayed hidden




and unshared with the world.


Until one by one

their owners began to depart.


But a few—a very few—

of God’s children

discovered their gifts

and prized them for what they were. 

They brought them out to use

and share with the world.


And those few gifts

enriched the world 

far beyond their small measure. 

And far beyond the time

when their youthful owners

departed for their next growth world.


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