Love grows vigorously when its seeds take root in a love hungry soul and those are everywhere.
Adventures In Spiritual Living
Living Life as an Adventure of
Spiritual Exploration and Discovery
Love grows vigorously when its seeds take root in a love hungry soul and those are everywhere.
The joy of either love given or love received is a valuable reward of living. The Joy of love given is ours to have by unselfish service and caring for others. Life provides lots of opportunities for loving behavior.
Every living thing and every person responds favorably to being loved. Love feels great and reassures.
Love is the best action and the best reaction, always. Love behaves gently, tolerantly, kindly, and respectfully in all circumstances. Love excels at everything and will carry you with it.
It is a great privilege to experience life on such a primitive planet as this. It will help us to understand and help others in our eternal career.
We have self-creative choices to make. We can choose to be an animal or a noble spirit being. The animal part of us will die. The spirit being will live forever, and what it achieves now is permanent. Spiritual reality (reality of goodness) is even more beautiful than material reality.
We are meant to be partners in each other’s lives. We are intended to be linked to one another by love, caring and respect. Enjoying being together is an important thing we can discover in this life.
This life is the important beginning of your eternal career, not a purposeless occurrence. Some of the things you can learn here about love and service are unique. Pay attention. Examine, understand, be grateful. Eternity and meaningful service in the universe start here.
You can smell beauty from fresh mown grass, cinnamon, wisteria, bread baking, sea breezes. The scent of beauty surrounds its source with an invisible reality.
God said to me: “Be perfect as I am perfect. Become like me.”
I replied: “God, I have taken my measure and concluded that is impossible.”
God replied: “No it isn’t. It is happening by small steps right now. And that is adequate.”
Love rules the universe. Inevitably, love will one day rule this world and every heart in it. Love is gentle but it possesses power. Love is the unifier and peace giver.
Living every moment lovingly is the will of your Spirit Within for your life. All love is significant.
Love is a valuable gift. Love benefits both the giver and the receiver and even the
observer. All feel richer who recognize that a gift of love has been given.
Love should be our universal approach to everything. It has magical powers on personal, social, and political levels to lead to things that are important and which nothing else can achieve. Loving is wanting good for the object of your love. There now, that’s not so hard is it?
Love disciplines in reasonable ways. It does not seek to hurt, harm, or administer vengeance. Discipline teaches self-mastery rather than fear of consequences. It is effective even when no one is around to administer punishment.
Respect virtue even in the sinner. It proves the Spirit still dwells within. Loving proves there is capacity to love and to appreciate being loved.
Yes. Despise the sin, but still love the sinner. He is not without value just because he has so far failed to master his weakness.
Love comes in many forms. Love serves. It does not exploit. Love is gentle, kind, forgiving, merciful, and tolerant. So, if you behave this way, you are a loving person.
Your values are the attitudes and actions you base your life on. They are the way you distinguish and present yourself to the universe. They define your character. They make you different from everyone else, and that is the way it is supposed to be.
Your feelings, like your dreams, mean something. Examine them when they arise, but do not be their slave. There are good spiritual reasons why both are almost never messages from God or the angels.
Most of the benefits of forgiveness flow to the person who forgives. So, forgive as much as you can as quickly as you can, even when the offender is unworthy or unrepentant. Forgiveness gives a fresh opportunity to rebuild relationships.
What you achieve now of spiritual maturity (loving goodness) is real and lasting.
Optimism is your ally for achievement. What you believe is possible, you might try. What you try, you might possibly achieve. What you do not try, has no chance.
The values you actually live by are the building blocks of your character. Your loyalty to your values stabilizes your character. Your disloyalty to your values proves they have not yet become part of you.
Spiritually you are a first -generation child of the God of all creation. So, what do you expect you will grow up to be?
Inner beauty, with a little encouragement, grows eternally and lasts forever. What you can become in eternity is indescribable.
Truth is what works effectively to produce goodness and kindness. The purpose you choose to serve in life should be firmly attached to truth if you are to have a sense of mattering personally.
Inner beauty is far more significant than outer beauty. Inner beauty comes from loving, caring attitudes carried into action. It is spiritually seductive, drawing you into meaningful friendships.
Is life simply a result of a long string of physical and chemical coincidences or accidents which have no purpose or plan related to them? Is life no more than a trip from nothing into nothing?
Do the math, if you can, on the probabilities that a series of coincidences stretching over hundreds of billions of years could accidentally evolve a God seeking, intelligent human species of immense physical, mental, and spiritual complexity. It is possible, but the probability is so low that it is more rational to conclude there is a God who designed and engineered the process for a definite purpose.
These things matter and always will.
Higher values
Nobility of character
Learning to love and to serve the needs of others
Being useful
Seeking to know and do God’s will
You are both material and spiritual in nature. The material part of you is temporary. The spiritual part survives and continues to grow. It is your choice which part you identify with. Loving and doing good is the spiritual way. What you achieve now of loving goodness is real and lasting.
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